Serving a world in need

Improve health and well-being
Strengthen communities
Support those in need

Upcoming events.

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We Serve

Our 1.4 million members in 49,000 clubs bring hands and hearts to the
communities we serve in nearly every country on earth.

With the support of Lions Clubs International, Lions and Leos provide hands-on service, raise funds and advocate to support local and global causes.

Lions help hundreds of millions of people around the world every year.

Building relationships

The Lions Club of Tumbler Ridge is an organization for you, your family, and your friends. We work together to grow our community by supporting each other, and our community.

Building Community

We work hard to bring added value to events in our community. Through BBQ’s, pancake breakfasts, hosting weekly bingo, operating the Lions Flatbed Campground and the Hockey Concession we raise funds to help people, organizations with funding support to help them succeed.